Collections > Surname Folders
Surname folders serve as a repository for family-related documents that are not part of other collections.
If you find a surname of interest, please stop by the Historical Society Room during open hours or contact us to make other arrangements.
Surname Folder List
Abbe |
Aden |
BBanning | Barnes | Batchelor | Beckwith | Benedict | Bessee | Bessey | Bessie | Bettis | Bradford | Brewer
CCagwin | Candelo | Casse | Cheney | Chittenden | Clark | Clinch | Cook | Crandall | Cushman
DDahlin | Delaney | Dowsland | Draper | Dunham
EEarley | Eells | Ellis | Evans
FFleming | Flower | Fox | Freeman | Fulkerson
GGraves | Groves | Gypson
HHakes | Halleck | Halsey | Harris | Harrison | Hart | Havens | Hicks | Hoagle | Holt | Hubbard | Hull | Hunt | Hutchinson
JJackson | Jones
KKelly | Kernan | Kikiland | Kunz
LLaManque | Law | Lawrence | Lee | Loomis
MMacClurg | Masner | Maw | McDougall | McGregor | Merritt | Metcalf | Montgomery | Morrison | Munn | Munsell
OOsgood | Ott
PParker | Parsons | Patten | Phelps | Phillips | Pisano | Pritchard
RRauscher | Robson | Rodenhurst | Root
SSeeley | Shepard | Shewring | Smith | Spaven | Stilllman | Sweeting
TThorp | Townsend
VVan Benschoten
WWales | Warren | Weaver | Webb | Wellman | Westcott | Whalen | Whitney | Wilgus | Wilson | Wolfe | Wylie
Banner Image: The Clinch family (Wayne, Mildred, Raymond, and Marvin), perhaps early 1950s. Photographer unknown.