Collections > Government Records
Probate Records
Collection: GOV-001
Dates: Nineteenth century; exact dates are unknown
Description: The Society holds original nineteenth-century Oneida County probate records for Westmoreland residents. Most files are small and contain documents such as petitions, wills, and inventories. A few files are very large and include items such as lengthy deposition transcripts. With a few exceptions for large files stored in boxes (indicated with * on the list below), the records are arranged alphabetically, housed in plastic sleeves, and organized into notebooks.
If you find an item of interest, please stop by the Historical Society Room during open hours or contact us to make other arrangements. If you do not see the records you need, feel free to ask for assistance. Society volunteers can double-check the notebooks to make sure a file has not been overlooked in the index.
Scanned: No
Indexed: Yes
Also check the following online resources:
- “Probate proceedings, 1867-1965,” FamilySearch (
- “Will books, 1798-1900 with index, 1798-1909,” FamilySearch (
- “New York, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1659-1999,” Ancestry (
Probate File List
AAckley, Mary Ann | Adams, Eli J | Adams, Rhoda | Aldrich, Zimri | Allen, Samuel | Andrews, Joel | Armour, Catharine | Ashbey, John P | Atkinson, Isaac | Atkinson, Tabitha | Atwood, OtisBBailey, Eliphalet | Ball, Solomon L | Barkes, James | Barnard, George W | Barnard, Huldah | Barnard, Pharez | Barns, Arthur | Bates, Arthur G | Bates, George | Beates, Thomas | Beckwell, Mary | Beckwith, Francis | Beckwith, Silas | Beers, Munson H | Bell, Clifford J | Bell, James | Bellinger, John J | Bellinger, Margaret | Bellinger, William W | Benjamin, Benjamin | Benjamin, Ebenezer | Bennet, Irene | Bennett, Jared | Bennett, Samuel | Besse, Caroline | Besse, David C | Bessee, DeWitt C | Bessee, Ephraim | Bessee, Herman | Bessee, John C | Bessee, Olive | Bettis, Andrew C | Bicknell, Moses W | Bickwell, James | Blinn, Roxanna | Bliss, Ebenezer | Bliss, Phileman | Blood, Huldah | Blume, Anna Eva | Bohen, Patrick | Botterill, Snowball | Bradley, Joel | Brainard, Louden | Brennan, Catherine | Brigham, Edwin W | Brigham, Ward | Brill, William | Brockett, Eli | Brockett, Giles Albert | Brockett, Nancy R | Brockett, Timothy D | Brooks, Rachel Ann | Brooks, William | Brown, Arthur F | Brown, David A | Brown, Eliah P | Brown, Emery | Brown, Florence | Brown, George W | Brush, Ezra | Bryan, Patrick | Buell, Benjamin | Buell, Benjamin Jr | Burns, Teresa | Burr, Charles D | Burr, David | Burrows, Ella Law
CCaldwell, DeWitt C | Carpenter, Albert | Carpenter, George C | Carpenter, Hannah P | Carr, William | Casety, Anna G | Chapin, Henry W | Chapman, Eliza | Chedell, Eliza | Cheever, Nathan | Chittenden, Jared | Clark, Caroline B | Clark, Charles | Clark, Erastus W | Clark, Lowell | Clark, Parsons | Clark, Samuel | Clark, William W | Cody, George C | Collins, William C | Comstock, Stephen | Cone, Walter | Cook, Israel J | Couchman, Edwin G | Crane, Betsey | Crane, Nathan | Crandall, Sherman | Crawford, Mary | Crawford, Medad | Creaser, Thomas | Crosby, Daniel | Crosby, Lucy | Crowshaw, John | Crowshaw, Malinda | Crowshaw, Richard | Cunniff, John | Curtis, Stephen | Curtiss, Almira Jane | Curtiss, James J | Curtiss, Julius | Curtiss, Nathan | Curtiss, Salmon | Cushman, Dan | Cushman, Dan S | Cushman, Joseph P | Cushman, Salmon
DDavis, Deucy | Davis, Jennie N | Davis, R Montgomery | Davis, Simeon P | Dean, Alexander | Dean, Charles William | Dean, John | Dean, Sabrina | Delaney, Andrew | Delaney, Bridget | Denison, Harvey B | Dixon, John | Dodge, George B | Doolittle, Charles | Doolittle, Uri | Douglass, Addison | Draper, Calvin H | Durkee, Martin S
EEames, DeWitt C | Earl, Sally P | Edgerton, Vine B | Edson, Peter B | Egan, James | Egan, Michael B | Ellis, Daniel | Ellis, David | Ellis, Malachi | Enos, Truman | Evans, Jonathan
FFergeson, Robert | Ferguson, Jane | Fiske, William E | Fitch, Abner | Fitch, Diantha E | Fitch, Elizabeth R * | Fitch, Ebenezer R | Fitch, Luther | Fitch, William | Fleming, James L | Fleming, John | Fleming, Nathan | Fletcher, James | Foote, John B | Foote, Mary P
GGates, Hart | Gates, Nathan S | Gates, Sarah * | Gillman, Charles | Goodell, Archie | Goodell, John | Goodsell, Mercy C | Goodsell, Samuel B | Goodwin, Israel F | Gough, James J | Graves, Benjamin | Graves, Dwight W | Green, Israel | Green, Joshua | Griffin, William | Griswold, Anson T | Griswold, Moses | Groves, Allen | Gurney, George W | Gypson, Benjamin | Gypson, Ellen | Gypson, Richard
HHackett, Rachel | Hakes, Emma Z | Halbert, Asa | Halbert, Thom | Hall, Delilah | Halleck, Morris W | Hallich, Parker | Halsey, Charles | Harmon, Keziah | Harmon, Rufus | Harris, Robert | Harrison, Biel W | Harrison, Willliam | Hartman, Charles F | Hawkins, Wm | Hecox, Reuben | Hecox, Statira | Henley, Abe | Higby, David C | Higby, Eliza | Hooker, Harriet | Hooker, Robert | Hopkins, James H | Hughes, Evan | Humeston, Alanson | Huntbatch, John | Hunter, Robert R | Hustler, John | Hutchinson, Robert | Hutchinson, Rolf | Hutchinson, Sarah N | Hutchinson, Stephen | Hutchinson, William | Hynes, William
JJackson, William | Jenkins, Samuel N | Jewett, James G | Johnson, Charles W | Johnson, Gaylord G | Johnson, Nahum | Jones, Eliza A Royce | Jones, Ephraim | Jones, Lucinda C | Joslyn, Maria H
KKahoe, John | Kelley, Caleb | Kelley, Selina | Kellogg, Eben | Kellogg, Urial | Kelly, James | Kelly, John | Kelly, Mary | Kerwin, James | Kimball, Frederick | Kingsnorth, Mary | Kline, Caroline | Knapp, Ezra A | Knox, Isaac | Kobler, Jacob | Kochersperger, John
LLane, Henry | Lane, Mary | Langdon, Edward B | Law, George W | Law, William C | Lay, Alonzo | Lay, Harriet F | Lee, Nathan | Lee, Walter | Lee, William | Leeworthy, James | Lehr, George | Letson, Alfred | Letson, David | Lewin, Edwin | Lindsley, Ebnenezer | Little, Justin Jr | Loomis, Labrena D | Loomis, Mary Jane | Loomis, Wallace J | Loomis, Walstein | Loomis, Walt H | Loomis, Wm | Lyman, Simeon
MMacomber, Paul C | Maloney, Mary | Manktelow, Jonathan | Mansfield, David | Markham, Sewel | Massey, Jacob J | Maxam, Lurana | McClary, James | McKean, Esther | McLaughlin, Marcia * | McLaughlin, Samuel | Merrick, Abet | Merriman, Timothy | Merritt, Mercy P | Metcalf, Nehemiah F | Miller, Giles | Miller, Josiah | Miller, Mirilda S | Miller, Sally L | Miller, Theodore V | Miller, William H | Mills, Allen E | Mills, Andrew | Mills, Hannah | Mills, Henry C | Mills, Herbert C A | Mills, James J | Mitchell, Margaret | Mitchell, Sarah | Monfort, Cornelius | Monroe, Doris J | Moore, Catharine G | Morrison, Augustus G | Morrison, Mary D | Mosher, Phoebe | Murphy, Catharine | Murphy, Thomas
NNalton, Thom | Nelson, Esther | Nelson, Luther | Nelson, Saml R | Newbrook, George | Newland, Josiah | Nicholson, Mary E | Nicholson, Sarah C | Nightingale, George | Noble, Philander | Norris, Robert |
OOdell, Nathaniel | Osgood, Betsey | Osgood, Mary U
PPage, Ephraim R | Page, John S | Parke, David N | Parke, John | Parkman, Alexander | Parkman, Lydia | Parks, George | Parry, John J | Patrick, Francis | Patten, George | Patten, Wm | Patterson, David | Patterson, John | Payne, Augustus | Payne, Edwin | Peake, Wm F | Pearsall, George A | Pearsall, Joseph | Peck, Eli | Peckham, Daniel | Peckham, Mary A | Peckham, Samuel | Petch, Joseph | Phelps, Amy | Phelps, Bretan | Phelps, Joseph | Phelps, Wm | Pierce, Alanson | Pitch, Thom | Plunkett, John | Potter, Osmond | Powell, Jos | Pratt, Morris B | Pratt, Rufus
QQuail, Ann | Quinn, Bartholomew
RRandall, Joshua | Ratcliff, Ellen M | Rawson, Thomas | Reed, Angeline W | Reese, Moses | Reid, Patrick | Reimiller, Henry | Remington, Elisha | Repegae, Timothy | Richardson, Alfred | Riley, Benjamin * | Robson, Alice | Robson, Jonathan | Robson, Wm | Rockwell, Mary E M | Rodenhurst, Richard | Rose, Nancy | Rose, Reuben | Ruddock, George | Ruddock, Hiram V | Runkel, George H
SSadler, Joseph E | Sanford, Thomas | Sanger, Fanny | Sedgwick, Samuel | Seelye, Lyman | Seiley, Daniel | Seymour, Arthur G | Seymour, Benjamin G | Shaller, Anna | Shaller, Michael | Shaw, Daniel C | Shed, Dyer | Sherill, Mary | Sherman, Elijah | Shute, John | Skinner, James H | Skinner, Jeptha | Smalley, David P | Smith, Ann | Smith, Ebenezer | Smith, Franklin | Smith, Frederick A | Smith, George | Smith, John | Smith, Lois S | Smith, Malinda | Smith, Myron H C | Smith, Orrin | Smith, Reuben | Smith, Samuel | Smith, Sarah | Smith, William | Spaven, Sarah | Spencer, Stephen | Squires, Mary | Steele, William A | Sterling, Jedidah | Stewart, John A | Stillman, Halsey W | Stillman, Sarah | Stillman, Timothy | Stillman, William | Stilman, John | Stoddard, Catharine | Stone, F D | Strong, Althea L | Sweeting, Philip B
TTeal, William | Tenney, Joseph E | Tenny, Moses | Thomas, Genevieve L | Thorp, David | Tillotson, Jane E | Tillotson, Lemuel | Tindall, Geo | Tindall, Mary | Tomkins, James | Townsend, John | Townsend, Robert | Tudman, Edward | Tudman, John E | Tyler, James
UUnderwood, Jane B | Underwood, William
WWarner, Austin | Warner, Mary Ann | Waterman, Robert | Waters, Abner H | Waters, Leonard | Watterson, Ada M | Weatherill, James | Whipple, Charles | White, Charles | Whitney, Samuel | Williams, Thomas T | Wilson, Clara M | Wilson, James | Wilson, Roger | Winchell, Nancy | Withers, Sophiah | Withers, William | Wood, Gershom |
YYates, Bielby | Yauger, Isaac | Young, Robert
Banner Image: Example documents from the 1874 Mary Ann Ackley probate file.